Slidin Fast
JoinedTopics Started by Slidin Fast
Hanami Picnic, Is it for Christians?
by Slidin Fast injust watched a program about the reverence japanese people have for cherry blossom.
they love it and consider the sakura cherry tree sacred.
two indications eight there, "reverence" ,"sacred".
Vintage Tape Recordings
by Slidin Fast ini have come across several official reel to reel magnetic tape recordings of material from i think the 1958 international convention at yankee stadium and polo grounds nyc.
the speakers are knorr and franz.
i have no machinery to play these but love them or loathe them, they are history.
WT brags about suing indigenous peoples and winning!
by Slidin Fast ini know we get a bit cynical and hard boiled about the exploits of wt inc. but this takes the biscuit.
apparently these ecuadorian indigenous people objected to being targeted by the sect.
so wt inc rode in and guess what?
What's Happening In Spain?
by Slidin Fast innormally we have a formula.
disaster, cue wt volunteers to the rescue, self congratulatory breaking news on jw.borg.
parts of spain are washed out with huge loss of life.
New Zealand Report Link
by Slidin Fast inthe full report is here..
the jw case study is here..
you can read it in full from these links.
Who is this Guy?
by Slidin Fast inthe ra is underway and there is a common thread through the first day.
they have a "presenter" who comes across as an educated historian handling early bible fragments and translations as if he knows what he's doing.
the impression given is that he is an unassailable font of all knowledge, with his rich scottish accent he prints himself as across as professor gravitas.. i find this disturbing, we have no idea who he is or what if any his qualifications are to speak such with authority.
Donald Sutherland RIP. THE Donald
by Slidin Fast incertainly amongst the best actors ever.
probably the best.
kelly's heroes and don't look now a couple of my favourites.
Super Duper Awkward
by Slidin Fast indid anyone else find the teen section on the meeting tonight massively cringeworthy?
i saw two kids who will be laughing stocks for life after their world wide exposure.
complete exploitation in my opinion, unforgivable..
This Week's BS Study. Shylock?
by Slidin Fast inlast night the subject of simony reared its head.
there was a picture (artists impression) of the event resembling a bunch of clean-cut americans in fancy dress busy performing or observing miracles.
in the foreground offering a bribe to join in is simon.
Will Self on JWs
by Slidin Fast inwill self is a well known thinker, journalist and writer here in the uk.
i think this article is absolutely on the money.
in any case, well worth a read.